Sat. Mar 29th, 2025

Stonehenge builders used Pythagoras’ theorem 2000 years before his birth?

The authors of the recently published book “Megaliths: Studies in Stone” put forward the theory that the creators of the megalithic structure Stonehenge used Pythagoras’ theorem two thousand years before the birth of the mathematician.

Pythagoras of Samos was an ancient Greek mathematician. His theorem is that in tróThe rectangular angle sums the squareóin the lengths of the perpendiculars is równa the square of the length of the counter-rectangle (in mathematical notation: a 2 + b 2 = c 2 ). This is one of the most famous mathematical theorems in the world.

Wspómodern discoveries of archaeologistóin suggest, however, that Pythagoras’ theorem may have been known even two thousand years before his birth. There would be nothing surprising in this. This is because many significant discoveries were made at the same time independently in several places on Earth.

The authors of the book „Megaliths: Studies in Stone” (with j. ang. „Megaliths: research in stone”) believe that Pythagoras’ theorem was used in the construction of Britain’s most famous megalithic structure: Stonehenge.

Pythagoras’ theorem is extremely useful in practice if you want to determine lengths in trój rectangular angle or rectangle. It can be used in construction, division of the earth, making maps of the sky and land. Not surprisingly, scientists were already finding traces of the use of the theorem long before the birth of Pythagoras.

According to researchers, the theorem originated independently in Babylon, ancient China and India. Only by chance did the authorship of the theorem be attributed to Pythagoras. This famous Greek mathematician lived approx. VI in. p.n.e. PóLater writers referred to his calculations and theory of the. However, there is no direct evidenceów on the fact that Pythagoras carried out a dowód on their theorem.

According to the authoróin the publication of the claim, whichóre is named after Pythagoras today was used in the construction of Stonehenge. Long before the birth of the famous mathematician. – In the construction of Stonehnege can be seen trójiangles and rectangles, which theóre are a simplified version of Pythagoras’ theorem – argues John Matineau, one of the coóĹ‚autoróin the book.

In his opinion, even if our ancient ancestors did not have proof of formal mathematical proof, they knew the relationships governing trórectangular angles and were able to use them in their construction. The authors of the book are of the opinion that the site from which theórego stone mining, important for óearly humans the island of Lundy and Stonehenge form tróright angle.

Moreover, in the circle of the boulderóin the surrounding megalithic structure are four boulders forming a rectangle with Pythagorean proportions of 5x12x13. Coming out of the hornóin the rectangle the lines are supposed to indicate important dates of the Neolithic calendar, on solstices and równonoce.

Stonehenge began to be erected almost 7 thousand. years ago. Its construction lasted many centuriesów. The final shape was given to it around. 2500 r. p.n.e., That is, almost two thousand years before the birth of Pythagoras! Neolithic inhabitants of the areaów were unable to pass on their knowledge in any other wayób, as he built monumental structures thatóre included its most important discoveries – believe the authors of the book.

This type of approach can provide evidenceów on cultural development and level of knowledge óearly inhabitantsóin that areaów. However, it should not be forgotten that sometimes we succumb to illusion and are carried away by our imagination, która attributes unusual significance to objects in the manner ofób completely random.